Türk Halk Şiirinde Renklerin Değerleri ve Anlama Katkısı

Çalışma, beş (5) halk ozanının ürünleri incelenerek gerçekleştirildi. Bu ozanlar; Yunus Emre, Pir Sultan Abdal, Karacaoğlan, Köroğlu ve Dadaloğlu'dur.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Renk, Türk halk şiiri, anlambilim

Values of Colors in Turkish Folk Poetry and Their Contribution to Meaning

This study has been done by evaluating the products of five poets; Yunus Emre, Pir Sultan Abdal, Karacaoğlan, Köroğlu and Dada/oğlu. In this report, it is dwelt on how public narrations that have been formed into written text can be evaluated and explained by utilizing with linguistics, textlinguistic, semantic, philology, rhetoric, pragmatics. These poets ' poems including show, symbolize ar imply the concept of "renk " have been considered in context of !ine, in context of quatrain ar in context of the whole poem. It has been tried ta determine their grammatical contributions, functions and references ta the context which they depend on. After the determinations, it has been worked aut to get data by comparing.


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  • ÖZTELLİ, C. (2003). Karacaoğlan, Bütün Şiirleri. İstanbul: Özgür Yayınları.