Dose calibrators are used to measure the amount of radioactive to be given to the patient. It is necessary to determine the correct dose and measure the amount of radioactive material with the least possible error. To minimize these potential errors, quality control (QA) tests should be carried out periodically according to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRC). ATOM LAB 400 (serial number:11070208 ) and 500 (serial number: 15091215) dose calibrators which are actively used in our clinic were used. Our aim is to verify the accuracy of the dose calibrator which needs to be updated by using a recently calibrated dose calibrator. QA tests were performed on both dose calibrators. Test results of the currently certified dose calibrator and ATOM LAB 400 dose calibrator whose certificate will be updated were found to be compatible with each other.The tests performed on both dose calibrators remained with the error limits. Calibration certificate of the ATOM LAB 400 calibrator has been updated in accordance with NRC protocol.


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