Investigation of Postgraduate Theses on Using of Web-Based Education in Nursing Education
Investigation of Postgraduate Theses on Using of Web-Based Education in Nursing Education
Objective: This study was conducted to examine the master's and doctoral dissertations investigating the effects of web-based education in the courses conducted in the nursing undergraduate programs of universities in Turkey. Methods: In this study, the database of the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) National Thesis Center was searched using the keywords "nursing and web" regardless of the year interval. As a result of the screening, 16 postgraduate theses meeting the inclusion criteria were included in the study. Results: It was determined that the first thesis was published in 2007, and the number of theses increased in 2017 and 2019. It was determined that 37.2% of the theses were at the master's level, 62.5% at the doctoral level and 93.75% of them were experimental/semi-experimental research designs. It was determined that 50% of the theses were published in the field of nursing principles. It has been found that the use of web-based teaching methods in the education of nursing students positively affects students' gaining knowledge and skills. Conclusion: Although there has been an increase in the number of theses using web-based education in nursing education in recent years, it is recommended that more randomized controlled studies be conducted and that the use of face-to-face education should be supported with web-based education.
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