Bazı Şelatlı Demir Gübrelerinin Şeftalide Demir Eksikliği Klorozuna Etkileri

Şeftali, demir eksikliğine en hassas meyve türlerinden biridir. Özellikle toprakta pH ve kirecin yüksek olduğu şartlarda demir eksikliği oluşmaktadır. Demir eksikliğinde önemli miktarlarda verim ve kalitede düşüşler olduğu gibi ciddi boyutta ağaç ölümleri de görülebilir. Şelatlı demir gübreleri demir eksikliği klorozunu önlemede yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Fakat her şelatlı gübre her toprak koşulunda aynı şekilde etkili olmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada şeftali ağaçlarında EDDHA o-o:3.6, EDDHA o-o:4.8, EDDHSA-HS, EDDHSA-SG şelatlı demir gübrelerinin etkinliği araştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak; EDDHA şelatlı gübrelerin orto-orto izomer oranları arttıkça yaprak aktif demir içeriklerinin arttığı belirlenmiştir. EDDHSA-HS ve EDDHA o-o:4.8 en etkili gübreler olurken bunu sırasıyla EDDHSA-SG ve EDDHA o-o:3.6 izlemiştir. Çalışmada ayrıca yaprakların aktif demir içeriği ile diğer elementler arasındaki ilişkiler belirlenmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Demir, Kloroz, Şeftali, ŞelatEffects of Some Chelated Iron Fertilizers on Iron Deficiency Chlorosis in PeachAbstractThe peach trees are one of the most sensitive fruit species to iron deficiency. In particular, when the soil has highly pH value and lime content, iron deficiency consists. Iron deficiency causes significantly to loss of yield and quality it also leads seriously death of the tree. Chelated iron fertilizers are used widely to prevent iron deficiency chlorosis. However they don’t indicate the same effect in the same all soil conditions. In this study, the efficiency of EDDHA o-o:3.6, EDDHA o-o:4.8, EDDHSA-HS and EDDHSA-SG which include chelated iron was examined on peach trees. As a result, the rate of ortho-ortho isomer of EDDHA chelated fertilizers directly affected content active iron of leaves. While EDDHSA-HS and EDDHA o-o:4.8 were the most effective fertilizers, EDDHSA-SG and EDDHA o-o:3.6 followed respectively them. The relations between active iron content of leaves and with other elements were also determined.Key Words: Chelate, Chlorosis, Iron, Peach  
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Demir, Kloroz, Şeftali, Şelat


The peach trees are one of the most sensitive fruit species to iron deficiency. In particular, when the soil has highly pH value and lime content, iron deficiency consists. Iron deficiency causes significantly to loss of yield and quality it also leads seriously death of the tree. Chelated iron fertilizers are used widely to prevent iron deficiency chlorosis. However they don’t indicate the same effect in the same all soil conditions. In this study, the efficiency of EDDHA o-o:3.6, EDDHA o-o:4.8, EDDHSA-HS and EDDHSA-SG which include chelated iron was examined on peach trees. As a result, the rate of ortho-ortho isomer of EDDHA chelated fertilizers directly affected content active iron of leaves. While EDDHSA-HS and EDDHA o-o:4.8 were the most effective fertilizers, EDDHSA-SG and EDDHA o-o:3.6 followed respectively them. The relations between active iron content of leaves and with other elements were also determined.


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