WWF-Fish Forward 2 Project

WWF-Fish Forward 2 Project

Worldwide, more than 800 million people depend on fish for food and income. But oceans and livelihoods are under severe pressure. 90% of fish stocks are either overfished (31%) or fully fished (59%). Additionally, climate change impacts marine ecosystems –with drastic consequences for livelihoods, food security and markets. Europe is the biggest market and importer of fish in the world. Most of its imports come from developing countries. European consumers and corporates play a vital role in protecting marine resources for millions of people who depend on them. A responsible choice of seafood in Europe is a global driver for change. Hence, European consumers, corporates and authorities can make a global difference. This is why WWF and EJF teamed-up with partners in Europe and the developing world – to drive the European market and global fisheries in a more sustainable direction. A responsible choice of seafood in Europe is a global driver for change. By 2020, consumers and the corporate sector in Europe are taking responsibility by choosing sustainable seafood as active contributors to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), climate change mitigation and adaptation (https://www.fishforward.eu/en/fish-forward-description/).


  • https://www.fishforward.eu/en/fish-forward-description/