Anahtar Kelimeler:

İntihar, otopsi, asi

The Evaluation Of The Autopsied Suicide Cases At Our Department

Aim:In this study we have examined forty-seven suicide cases between 1999-2003 who were autopsied in ourdepartment to evaluate suicide methods, age groups and causes of death.Material and method:The autopsy reports of forty-seven suicide cases have been evaluated retrospectively andstatistical analyses were made by SPSS for Windows.Results:In our series, hanging was the most common used suicide method. Gunshot and shutgun injuries werethe second common suicide method. 20-39 years age was the most frequent age group, and 72.5 % were male,27.5 % were female. In 42.6 % of the suicide cases occured in domestic places.Conclusion:In our series hanging is the most frequent suicide method. Its usableness and relationship withenviromental conditions are corresponded to Turkey's results. Because most of the cases are in 20-39 age groups,it was concluded that special attention must be payed to the young generation who are under the risk of suicide


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