Batı Anadolu’da Ok Ucu Bulunan M.Ö. 1. Bin Merkezleri

Centres in West Anatolia where Arrowheads are unearthed from 1st Millennium B.C.

The purpose of this study is to determine the centres of West Anatolia from 1st Millennium B.C. where arrowheads made of bronze and iron. are unearthed. The originating idea behind this study is the data obtained on the arrowheads unearthed at Nif Mountain. This study is founded on the graduation thesis authored under the supervision of Doç. Dr. Daniş Baykan from Classical Archaeology Division of Trakya University Archaeology Department. While the arrowheads of West Anatolia are our main topic, we also aim to create a distribution map using the archaeological excavations and surface studies in West Anatolia which is under Persian influence, and using arrowheads exhibited in museums. Arrowheads from 1st Century B.C. found in excavations at settlements of West Anatolia will be researched, such as Nif Mountain, Klazomenai, Phokai, Miletos, Ephesos, Kyme, Smyrna, Sardeis, and Klaros. The main subject of this study is not about to classify arrowhead types, but to create a distribution map for the finds which are excavated from West Anatolia settlements, published, and shared as photographs or drawings.


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