Marc Lanteigne, Chinese Foreign Policy: An Introduction 4th Edition, Routledge, 2020, 256 p.

The expanded and updated version of Marc Lanteigne’s book on Chinese Foreign Policy involves wide range of topics as well as new recent developments of foreign policy decision-making in China. The most significant insight he brings out is to examine both the expansion and reconstruction of Chinese foreign policy by analyzing the changes in different agents and structures in recent decades.

Marc Lanteigne, Chinese Foreign Policy: An Introduction 4th Edition, Routledge, 2020, 256 p.

The expanded and updated version of Marc Lanteigne’s book on Chinese Foreign Policy involves wide range of topics as well as new recent developments of foreign policy decision-making in China. The most significant insight he brings out is to examine both the expansion and reconstruction of Chinese foreign policy by analyzing the changes in different agents and structures in recent decades.


  • Marc Lanteigne, Chinese Foreign Policy: An Introduction, Routledge, 2020.