Matüridi'nin Kelam Sisteminde Ahiret inancı

Belief in Akhirah is one of the most inıportant beliefs in Islam and it is on the same scale in its inıportance as fa ith in Gad. This article entitled as, Belief in Akhita. [Life after DeathJ inthe Theology_0f Imam Maturidi, aims to discover Imam Maturidi's views aböut the life after death, as presented in his work Ta'wilat al-Qur'an."Firstly it deals with the concept of Akhirah according to Maturidi, then it Iooks at the Qur'anic evidences given by Maturidi for the establishment of the existence of life after death; after that it gives Matııridi's approaclh to the possibility and the reality of talking about Akhirah; and the study ends with detailed examination of the fallawing issues: the stages of Akhirah, the Judgement Day (Qiyame), Signs of Qiyama (Dabba, duhan [smoke], The Return of Jesus Christ, Ye'cüc and Me'cüc) and stages of Qiyama (ba's [resurrection], hashr [ cangrega tion], hisab [reckoning], a'raf [purgatory], shefaat [intercession], havz [pool], sirat [bridge on the road to heaven], hell and heaven).
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