Entegrasyon siireci oldukr;a karma~zk toplumsal bir olaydzr. Bu silrer;te dilin ve dil ediniminin rolii biiyiiktiir. Bir yere uyum saglayabilmenin on ko~ulu orada ya~ayan insanlarla ileti~im kurabilmekten ger;er. 2001 yllmda "Bagzmszz Gor; Komisyonu" Almanya ya gelecek olan yabancllarm Hollanda ve isver; 'te oldugu gibi dil ve entegrasyon kurslanm ba~anyla tamamlamasz ~artlm getirmi~tir. 2004 ve 2005 yzlmda toplanan komisyon bu talebi yinelemi~tir. Bu gor; yasasma gore dil kurslanm (AI seviyesinde) ba~arzyla tamamlamayan ki~ilere vize verilmemektedir. Bu durum evli r;iftler ir;in de ger;erlidir ve istenmeyen bir dizi sorunlara yo! ar;maktadzr. insanlarm evlenebilmeleri bir yerde almanca edinebilme yetenegine endekslenmektedir. Bu r;alz~mada dil edinimi teorileri ve silreci r;alz~manm kapsamz el verdigi olr;iide i:jlenmi:j, irdelenmi~ ve 2,5 ay gibi kzsa bir silrede almanca gibi zor bir dilin ogrenilmesinin imkanszz oldugu vurgulanmz~tzr. Aynca yasamn uygulamasma yonelik szkmtzlar dile getirilmi~tir. Ornegin kurslar iicretli olup "Goethe Enstitiileri" tarafindan sadece istanbul, Ankara ve izmir'de verilmekte ve ~imdiye kadar Konsolosluk tarafindan sadece "Goethe Enstitilsil "niin verdigi sertifikalar kabul edilmektedir. Her insamn e:jini serbestr;e ser;meye ve aile olarak ya~amaya hakkz vardzr.


Integration process is a quite complicitaed social issue. The language and the language acquisition have great role in this process A basic precondition of an adaptation to a place is to be able to cominicate with the people in that place. In 2001," Independence Emigration Committe" put some requierments, as it existed in Holland and Sweden ,for the newcomer foreigners to Germany like achieving language and integration courses successfuly. The reassembled comission in 2004 and 2005 repeated this request again. According to this emigration law, the people who failed in this language courses (AI level) are not able to get a visa. This is also valid for married couples and cause some series of problems. In a way, marriage is being indexed to one's ability of acquiring a language. In this study, the language acquisition teories and process are scrutinized as far as within the scope of this study and it is emphasized that it is imposible to learn a difficult language like German in 2,5 months. In addition to this, difficulties in practise lead by this law are expressed. For example, courses cost money and are given by Goethe Instrtutes only in istanbul, Ankara and Izmrr. Consulate accept the certificates only given by "Goethe Instrtute". Each person has right to choose his or her spouse and bring up a family 


  • Renner, Gunter (2005). Das Zuwanderungsgesetz - Ende des deutschen Auslanderrechts? IMIS-BEITRAEGE, Universitat Osnabrock, Heft 27, 9-24; Eri~im: 7.9.2007, www.imis.uni-osnabriick.de
  • Wode, Henning (1988). Einfiihrung in die Psycholinguistik, Ismaning: Hueber Verl.