Treatment of amanıta phalloïdes ıntoxıcatıon: A report of 3 cases and a revıew of the literatüre

Treatment of amanıta phalloïdes ıntoxıcatıon: A report of 3 cases and a revıew of the literatüre

The mortality associated with the ingestion of mushrooms of the amanita phalloides group has been reported to be approximately 30 % ( 1 ), and 95 % of all fatal cases of mushroom poisoning are from this cause (2). Amanita mushroom poisoning is not uncommon in Turkey. Last year in Adana an epidemic of mushroom poisoning caused the deaths of over 20 individuals and cases of poisoning are not uncommon in Istanbul during the late summer and early autumn.In this paper we report three cases of amanita mushroom ingestion and their management and discuss briefly the pathogenesis and treatment.