The effect of antibiotic therapy after tonsillectomy

The effect of antibiotic therapy after tonsillectomy

A prospective, randomised study was performed in order to find the effect of oral amoxicillin in minimising the postoperative morbidities in the convalescence period following tonsillectomy. The first group of patients were administered oral amoxicillin and paracetamol postoperatively; whereas the second group of patients were administered only paracetamol as the control group. Patients were evaluated for the postoperative fever, halitosis, oral intake, daily activities and throat pain by the parents. We obtained intraoperative tonsillar and postoperative third and seventh days' operative field swab cultures. According to the results, we concluded that the postoperative oral amoxicillin administration had no advantage on postoperative morbidities.


  • Telian SA, Handler SD, Fleisher OR, Baranak CC, Wetmore RF, Footsie WF. The effect of antibiotic therapy on recovery after tonsillectomy in children. Arch Otolarynogol Head Heck Surg 1986;112:610-614.