Light and electronmicroscopic evaluation of the testicular histology in a case with azoospermia prior to ivf using epididymal sperma

Light and electronmicroscopic evaluation of the testicular histology in a case with azoospermia prior to ivf using epididymal sperma

The quantitative evaluation of the testicular biopsy is very common before the treatment of obstructive azoospermia or congenital absence of vas deferens. In the present study light and electronmicroscopic evaluation of the testicular histology in a case with obstructive azoospermia revealed the presence of adequate sperm counts and possible high numbers of motile spermatozoa in the epididymis. Thus a successful pregnancy was achieved using aspirated epididymal sperma for IVF, in our case. So, in addition to quantitative observations of the histology, the ultrastructural characteristics of the tubular germinal epithelium give more morphological data for IVF using epididymal sperm.


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