Impression cytology (IC) in clinical practice

Impression cytology (IC) in clinical practice

Objective: Nasal cytology is the most useful technique in differentiating infectious rhinitis from other types of rhinitis. Various techniques have been described for obtaining nasal cytology specimens, including blowing secretions into wax paper; taking a smear by using cotton wool swabs or brushes; or performing nasal scraping, lavage, biopsy and impression cytology. We aimed to compare impression cytology findings between allergic, vasomotor and infectious rhinitis patients and the control group as far as eosinophils, neutrophils, basophilic cell, goblet cells and bacteria counts were concerned. Material and Method: In this study, we used an alternative method, namely Impression Cytology (IC) which is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure allowing the collection of a monolayer of cells from the epithelial or mucous surface. IC was used in 28 allergic rhinitis, 21 vasomotor rhinitis and 23 infectious rhinitis patients. There were 22 control subjects in this study. Results: IC was found to show significantly higher gradings of eosinophil counts and goblet cell counts in allergic rhinitis patients as compared to other groups (p
