A pilot study for prostate cancer screening utilizing age - adjusted prostate specific antigen

A pilot study for prostate cancer screening utilizing age - adjusted prostate specific antigen

The aim of this epidemiological study is to assess the incidence of prostate carcinoma and age adjusted age references of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) in Turkish population. For this purpose, 93 men, living in a village in Turkey, all older than 50 years of age, underwent screening for prostate cancer with digital rectal examination and PSA determinations. Five men in the population underwent Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS) guided systematic biopsies because of PSA values exceeding age adjusted levels. All biopsies of the Turkish population revealed Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Mean and median PSA levels showed an Increasing trend according to the age decades. Since PSA shows a correlation with age, it seems more appropriate to use age adjusted PSA cut-off levels in screening and diagnosis of prostate cancer, rather than a single cutoff level for all age references. However, there is no data about PSA median levels in different populations. In our study PSA revealed a similar trend in the Turkish population as in the US population.


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