Intralesional interferon alfa-2a therapy in adult hemangiomas

Hemangiomas, mostly appearing in infancy, generally involute completely and with their complications, rarely demand medical or surgical intervention. On the other hand, hemangiomas of adult life are persistant and usually no problems other than cosmetic ones accompany the lesions. So, appropriate methods, with no complications and side effects, must be preferred in the treatment. Most of the prior methods are usually inadequate in the management of the process.Regression effect of systemic interferon treatment on infantile hemangiomas was perceived before. Similarly, we injected interferon alfa-2a into the adult hemangiomas three times a week, for three weeks and observed regression of the lesions by morphologic, histopathologic and ultrastructural evaluation.


  • Holmdahl K. Cutaneous hemangiomas in premature and mature infants. Acta Pediatr Scand 1955;44:370-379.