Superficial mylohyoid muscle

In the submandibular region of a female cadaver anomalous bilateral superficial mylohyoid muscles were detected. The bilateral superficial mylohyoid muscles were located between the right and the left anterior bellies of the digastric muscles. Each arosed from the medial aspect of the corresponding lower portions of the anterior bellies of the digastric muscles and crossed transversly towards the midline and were attached to the lower half of the mylohyoid raphe. There were also thin bands of muscular fibers which originated from the fascia on the posterior suface of the anterior belly of the digastric and crossed over and fused with the superficial mylohyoid of the opposite side. The superficial mylohyoid muscles were enclosed in connective tissue, which received its arterial supply from the branches of the submental artery.This muscle is thought to be a remnant of an evolutionary form which had existed in the past.


  • Williams PLR, Warwick RM, Dyson ML, Bannister Lli. Gray's Anatomy 37th ed. Mew York: Churchill Livingstone 1989:584.