Effects of different feather colors in chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus Houttuyn, 1782) handline used at Gökçeada Region on fishing efficiency

Effects of different feather colors in chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus Houttuyn, 1782) handline used at Gökçeada Region on fishing efficiency

In this study, fishing efficiency was analyzed by using different colored feathers in chub mackerel fishing (Scomber japonicus Houttuyn 1782) at Gökçeada. Catching lengths of green, brown (grayed), pink, white and orange feathers were determined to be 33.7 cm, 34.2 cm, 33.6 cm, 34.7 cm and 35.9 cm, respectively. When the fishing efficiencies of different colored feathers used in the study were compared at the end of the study, brown (grayed) color was found to have caught 164 individuals, having a catching rate of 35%. Orange colored feather was found to have caught 95 individuals, having a catching rate of 21% while white colored feather was found to have caught 49 individuals, having a catching rate of 11%. Green colored feather was found to have caught 70 individuals, having a catching rate of 15% and pink colored feather was found to have caught 82 individuals, having a catching rate of 18%.


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