Suriye Öykücülerinden Mâcid Reşîd El-’Uveyyid’in "Sıcak Bir Yaz"ı

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This article gives general descriptions about the beginning, improving and phases of the short story writings and story writers in Syria. Mâcid Reşîd el-‘Uveyyid was born 1960. Nowadays he is among the story writers in Syria. His three story books are published. The story named Sayfun Hârrun in his latest book el-Mevtu’l-Asğar, It is attractive on art and story technique. Avoidance of locality and consciously pursue the goal of the universal in his story is a important himself style, for that reason that he avoid the restriction of time but used the uncertain time. The writer promises partly Syria and generally Arabian story writings. "A Warm Summer" story is a splendid story that contains symbols, evokes realities and rouses the opinion on the readers. This tragedian story will take research depending on critical approach in this article.


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