Mit ve Gerçeklik Arasında Alevîlikte Ehl-i Beyt

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Ahl al-Bayt Between Myth and Reality in the Alevism

In this paper, it has been dealt with "Ahl al-bayt", the basis of the belief and worship and instituons in Alewiten, as well as the context in which the term is dealt with in recent times. That means it has been focused on the "Ahl al-bayt" in Alewiten from the mythological and belief point of views rather than its history and cultural dimensions. Alewiten based on the written sources in modern process are closely pressed between two "Ahl al-bayt"; historical "Ahl al-bayt" and mythological "Ahl al-bayt". Namely verbal culture is transformed to the written culture and the first, being surrounded by the latter, changed in content.


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