Eş’arî Dönemi Arap Düşünce Biçimi ve Eş’arî Düşüncesinde Şâfiî’nin Etkisi

Imam Ash'ari is surely one of whose names are mentioned mostly in Islamic thought. In order to understand the thought of Imam Ash'ari in a proper way, one must know the socio-cultural structure and opinion of society which he had lived. In this study we have touched upon the thought of Arabic society which Imam Ash'ari had lived there. In addition to this we have attracted attention to the impact of Imam Shafi'i, who has important influence in Islamic society, on Imam Ash'ari. When we look at the works of Imam Ash'ari, the effect of Imam Shafi'i will be seen, especially on the matter of method. Imam Shafi'i and Imam Ash'ari have considered the rumor more important than reason. This method was applied in theology of Imam Ash'ari and this type of thought formed the Muslim society.
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