Ehl-i Beyt İnanışının Anadolu Alevîleri Üzerindeki İzdüşümleri

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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The Shadows of Ahl al-Bayt Belief on the Anatolian Alawis

This article examines the shadows of Ahl al-Bayt belief on the Anatolian Alawis. In this context, first of al, the concept of Ahl al-Bayt has been discussed from the point of semantics, then the role and importance of Ahl al-Bayt in the early Islamic history have been analysed. In addition, it has been focused the approaches on the concept of Ahl al-Bayt of Sunni and Shi’i environments. Finally, it has been evaluated the effects and shadows of Ahl al-Bayt belief on the Alawi communities living at different places.


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