Assisting tool for essay grading for Turkish language instructors

Assisting tool for essay grading for Turkish language instructors

When learning languages, writing an essay is one of the main methods for assessing students’knowledge. However, with the development of information and communication technologies,language learning is also being transferred to online platforms. At the same time, as the numberof students increases, the problem of evaluating students’ essays arises. In this paper, we offeran automated system that facilitates instructors while evaluating students’ essays. Currently, thesystem works for essays written in Turkish. The system was built using the Zemberek library.It allows one to extract text features the essay of several people at the same time on severalindicators, namely, morphological analysis, vocabulary, the use of different language structures,etc. Currently, many automated essay grading tools are proposed, and one of the main factorsthat defined their accuracy it the extraction of text features. Thus, as further work, it is plannedto use the data obtained using this essay assessment system together with instructors’ evaluationto create an expert system for automatic essay evaluation using machine learning techniques.


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