Development of expert system for the Geological Environment Rehabilitation, contaminated with oil products in the Unified Information System of the CIS Member States through Networks of KazRENA, RunNet and BasNet

Groundwater represents an important strategic resource of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and forecasting the probability of oil reaching the underground water table and spreading the pollutant in zones of aeration and saturation is one of the necessary conditions for a timely response to ensure the quality of groundwater and rehabilitation of the geological environment in case of contamination with oil. of the Potential sources of oil pollution are well sites, drilling and field barns, oil pipelines, oil storage tanks. In addition, contamination geological environment is possible during the transportation of oil and others. To address successfully common environmental issues of the CIS countries on the rehabilitation of the geological environment polluted with oil products, the geo-ecological expert system is being developed, which is implemented through networks of KazRENA (Kazakhstan), RunNet (Russia) and BasNET (Belarus)


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