The Traditional Knowledge of the Kyrgyz People in the Prevention of Animal Diseases

The Kyrgyz people have a rich centuries-old cultural heritage. For many centuries, they have led a nomadic lifestyle, and even today, in rural areas, people who are engaged in livestock breeding lead a seminomadic lifestyle. Like other ethnic groups, the Kyrgyz people widely use plant-based, animal-derived and mineral-derived natural products, and engage in various religious rituals. These ethnoveterinary medicines are generally associated with folk skills, beliefs, knowledge, practices, and methods related to animal health in the ethnic group areas. The use of plant species mentioned for ethnoveterinary use in the folk cure and prevention of livestock ailments on the part of the nomadic Kyrgyz people is very important. Most of the tools and methods used by the Kyrgyz people in the prevention of animal diseases are not scientifically substantiated, and to this day are of more ethnographic interest than scientific evidence. The purpose of this research is to study the traditional knowledge and methods used by the Kyrgyz people in the prevention of animal diseases. According to the purpose of the present research, which was conducted in the archives of research institutions, scientific libraries and based on field surveys with herders and veterinarians in Issyk-Kul and Naryn oblasts. As a result of the research, the following information was collected: implementation of measures to ensure general "sanitary and epidemiological" cleanliness of animal shelters; rituals dedicated to "patrons" of pastures and "pir (protectors)" of animals; measures to protect livestock from snakes, insects, and other parasites; prevention measures of seasonal hazards; measures are taken to protect the health of pregnant, young, and lactating animals; use of sanitary and hygienic methods, minerals, and medicinal plants in the prevention of animal diseases; measures for the prevention of non-infectious, contagious and parasitic diseases of animals.


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