Pseudoleucite from Hamitköy Area, Kaman, Kırşehir Occurence and its use as a Pressure Indicator

Kırşehir batholith outcropping over a large area in Central Anatolia consists mainly of coarse-grained felsic igneous rocks. Around Hamitköy area the batholith seems to be syenitic in composition and is cut by silica deficient feldspathoid bearing micro syenitic dykes striking along E-W and NE-SW directions. Pseudoleucite occurs as large phenocrysts, however, it is optically discontinuous and consists of discrete leucite crystals. Minor amounts of sericite and smectite are observed as alteration products of the pseudoleucite. Chemical analyses display the fact that Hamitköy pseudoleucites resemble to leucites, with their small amount of Na2O content, and to pseudoleucites in their total alkali deficiency. Phase study diagrams of the residue system suggest that the crystallization of pseudoleucite is a pressure sensitive phenomenon and that it may be possible to use the presence of pseudoleucite as a pressure indicator. It is tentatively suggested here by the authors that pseudoleucite forms from a volatile-rich, silica-poor magma under approximately 2 kbars of pressure, which corresponds to a depth of approximately 7 kilometres in the crust. 


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