Noise attenuation of a 3D marine seismic reflection dataset - a case study in the Southwest Black Sea region
Noise attenuation of a 3D marine seismic reflection dataset - a case study in the Southwest Black Sea region
Noises in marine seismic data are one of the biggest obstacles in seismic imaging. The most significant step in seismic data processing is the removal of seismic noise, which can be classified as instrument and background noise. Noise attenuation usually results in improved seismic interpretation by increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. In this study, we will focus on attenuating these seismic noises with several data processing techniques. A number of denoising examples describing swell, strumming/tugging, and cavitation, which are background-type noises, and streamer-mounted device noise (Nautilus), which is an instrument-type noise, were illustrated by analysing a marine 3D seismic dataset recorded by Oruç Reis Research Vessel in Black Sea project of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA). This study was achieved by implementing an f-x prediction filter (SPARC, DENOISE3D) and f-k filter (DWATT) in the t-x domain, and radon filter (RADATT) in Tau-P domain by the use of Geovation 2.0 software.
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