The studied area is situated to the northern part of Amanos mountains, to the west of Türkoğlu. It contains sediments ranging from Lower Palcozoic to Miocene. Lower Paleozoic units are exposed within the core of a large anticline and are parallel to the general trend of the main orogenic belt. Lower Paleozoic consists of a continuous succession ranging from Lower Cambrian to Upper Ordovician and Devonian is represented by Hasanbeyli formation. Mesozoic succession is characterized by thick platform carbonates which are, due to extensive dolomitization, very difficult to subdivide. The carbonate deposition was continuous until the Lower Maastrichtian. Koçali complex was emplaced post-Lower Maastrichtian, causing imbrication of the platform carbonates. The studied area was uplifted during the Eocenc and was later inundated by extensive Miocene transgression. The area has been uplifted at the end of Miocene and has gained the present day topography. N—S compressional regime in the Southeastern Anatolia, which was caused because of the collision of Arabic and Anatolian Plates, was responsible for the emplacement of ophiolites. This event resulted in a number of thrusting in the basement, generating extensive rock cleavage at the bottom of Mesozoic succession. This is, in effect, caused the easily crumbling nature of carbonates. Fold axis, vertical ant thrust fault planes are approximately parallel to each other. Neo-tectonic development of the region is thought to have been effected by the on going Southeast Anatolian compressional regime, yet the control of East Anatolian and Dead Sea faults were evident.



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