Distribution and Origin of Detrital Gold in Kazıkkaya (Kağızman-Kars) Placers

Geologic, mineralogic and chemical studies indicate a considerable amount of detrital gold in Kağızman-Kazıkkaya placers. Gold values become of economic interest, especially along a 2 meter thick lowermost part of the placers. Amount of gold increases parallel to the heavy mineral content of the placers, reaching a maximum in 0.63 mm. - 0.315 mm. size fraction where heavy mineral content (3 %) shows a four-fold increment comparing to its average value in whole placers. Heavy mineral types identified in the placers are in well agreement with those of rocks exposed in the immediate vicinity. Chemical and physical nature of detrital gold is very similar to that of gold in quartz veins. Hence, the source of gold in the placers is mostly linked to quartz veins and less to the listwaenite and shear zones.



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