Üzümdere formation, Liassic aged is the oldest unit of the paraautochthonous sequence in the region and located within the Anamas-Akseki carbonate platform Lithological units cosist of sandstones and limestone, claystone, and conglomerates. The Üzümdere sandstones are claret-green in color, medium-thick bedded, well sorted, and highly fractured. The unit is petrographically described as quartz arenite-quartz wacke and sublitharenite based on the classification of Folk (1968). X-ray diffractometry studies have revealed that illite, kaolinite, and montmorillonite are the main clay minerals in the sandstones. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and x-ray micro analyses (EDS) performed on some samples indicated that the development of cement in these rocks are of calcite, dolomite (?), iron oxide, chlorite and kaolinite. Moreover, calcite and iron-oxide are developed as filling the pores within the fractures. The unit, in which authigenic clay occurrences and quartz overgrowths are observed, has a poor porosity.



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