Divriği A-Kafa iron deposit is tectonically located at the contact between serpentinites, and limestones and/or granitic rocks, while Divriği B-Kafa iron deposit lies between serpentinites and limestones Both deposits were formed during hydrothermal alteration of serpentinites Magnetite constitutes the dominant ore mineral of A-Kafa with up to 5 vol. % disseminated pyrite The main ore mineral at B Kafa is a maghemitized and martitized magnetite cross-cut by carbonate and silicate veinlets Textural relationships of ore minerals indicate that iron is derived from serpentinites The iron is enriched by serpentinization processes and further concentrated by hydrothermal convective cells caused by the intrusion of the Murmano pluton. These convective cells exert an important influence on the shape of the ore bodies The suggested model implies that the region has the potential for future exploration with a good chance for finding additional iron ore reserves 


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