Hydrogeological, hydrochemical and isotopic survey of the Bayındır geothermal area (İzmir, Western Anatolia, Turkey)

The Bayındır geothermal system is located to the northern margin of the Küçük Menderes Graben. The reservoir rocks of the geothermal system are the calcschists and marbles of the metamorphic formation of Triassic age. The system is controlled by active graben faults. The geothermal field is a low-enthalpy one and the surface temperature of the hot waters is 42-46 °C. According to the chemical geothermometer applications, the temperature of the reservoir is 55-118 °C. The chemical and isotopic data imply that the thermal waters are mixed with meteoric, shallow cycling and cold underground water. The chemical composition of the thermal waters are Ca>Mg>Na>K and HCO3>SO4>Cl and the chemical composition of the cold waters are Ca>Mg>Na>K and HCO3>SO4>Cl. The Sarıyurt Pb-Zn mineralization which is located in the collecting area is proved to cause no natural or artificial heavy metal pollution in the waters.


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