This study presents the results of the mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical investigations of the gold bearing vein-like arsenopyrite occurrences and mica schist, amphibole schist and amphibolite host rocks cropping out in the close vicinities of Elmacıgediði, Zeytinlik, Yılanlıkale and Kemer regions in the northeast of Ödemiş, İzmir. All investigated areas are located in the Ödemiþ submassif of the Menderes Massif which consist of schists, gneisses and amphibolites. These units are formed under the conditions of medium grade metamorphism. Garnet-biotite-amphibolite, amphibole schists and mica schists crop out in the study area. They are generally rich in biotite and/or muscovite and in some localities garnet. The amphibolites which are formed as lense-like bodies, are more than several hundreds of meters in length and several tens of meters in thickness and are aligned parallel to the schistosity of mica schists. Geochemical analyses have been carried out on 11 selected samples. In the major oxides versus SiO2 diagrams, ores mica schists and amphibolites/amphibole schists plot in different areas. Very high positive correlation coefficients among Au-Ag-Sb-Bi and Se are held from the trace element data of 7 samples taken from Zeytinlik area in statistically evaluation. Ore microscopical studies indicate two different stages for ore mineralizations as syngenetic and postmetamorphic. Mineralizations are formed both related with elements of basic magmatic rocks carried by solutions into the sedimentary basin and afterwards, the elements related with more asidic solutions. Mineralizations are remobilized during and/or after the metamorphism of the region.


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