In the near vicinity of the apatite-bearing magnetite deposit of Pınarbaşı Permian-aged Malatya Metamorphites consisting of, from bottom to top, chlorite schists, sericite schists, calcschists and recrystallized limestones cover large areas. These folded and faulted metamorphic rocks, which thrust over the Eocene-aged Maden Complex, underwent one regional metamorphism and one subsequent retrograde metamorphism in the greenschist facies. Mineralizations associated with chlorite-sericite schists are in the form of magnetite-bearing apatite lenses. The ore horizons, which reach a thickness of 15 m and have a north-south strike, dip approximately 30 degrees to the west. In the field, massive, banded and disseminated ore types are distinguished. The most important ore mineral is magnetite. It is followed by hematite, siderite, goethite and specularite. The proportion of the fluorapatite, the most valuable gangue mineral, reaches up to 30% in some places. Quartz, calcite, chlorite and sericite are other common gangue minerals. Rarely, rutile, zircon, monazite and xenotime are also observed. There is a significant positive correlation between Fe, P2O5 and depth. The variograms reveal hole effects which reflect ore rock alternations. Frequency distributions of the elements are logarithmic. Magnetite reserves with an iron content of over 20% Fe are approximately 78 Mt. The average P2O5 concentration of these reserves having an average Fe tenor of 35% is 1.57%. The F concentration of 3.46% in apatite is significant. However, rare earth element (REE) concentration of apatite (900 ppm) and V concentration of magnetite (800 ppm) are low. This deposit defined as classic Kiruna-type sedimentary apatite-bearing magnetite deposit is not considered to be economically mined


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