Kaymaz (Sivrihisar) is located at 80 km east of the Eskiþehir. The study area consists of metamorphites, ophiolites, phonolites and pegmatites. Beryl crystals are detected in the sediments which cut the metamorphic units. Optical microscopic determinations show that beryl crystals have 35 µm diameter, green and pale greenish blue colours, hexagonal features, basal cleavages, no = 1.584 and ne = 1.584 refractive indexes, uniaxial (-) and euhedral hexagonal prismatic characters which was supported by scanning images (SEM). Be content of phonolites between 9-31 ppm, of pegmatites between 4-17 ppm and of metamorphic units as 1 ppm were determined. Elements associated with beryllium in phonolites with F (260-440 ppm), Ba (1088-3106 ppm), La (300 ppm), Y (16-19 ppm) content, pegmatite with F (300 ppm), W (10 ppm), Sn (5 ppm) contents and presence of beryl crystals in the sediments cutting the metamorphic units which have tectonic relation with phonolite and pegmatite, seem to imply that formation of the beryl minerals have close releationship with these units.


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