2D and 3D structural boundaries of the tectonic composition of the Anatolia and surrounding seas using by the gravity (Satellite Data): Eastern Mediterranean

Gravity data is processed and the problems of the earth are examined. The density of the data can be arranged to solve detail, semi-detail and regional problems. Here, the gravitational data obtained by processing the linearity of the 2D and 3D visuals in terms of plate size large wavelength structures are examined. 2D linearities determine important stress areas but they are affected at different rates with respect to the spatial distribution of source effect. Due to grid formation, these boundaries are affected at different rates from less dense and very dense structures. Different wavelengths in structure boundary analysis; derivative and phase elements and filters. Vertical change in 3D analysis can be made at the approach level with the analytical examination of 2D change. At this stage, the distribution of source effect and depth model structure parameters are calculated. When examining large wavelength structures, some of the buried structures appear due to cover removal. In search of solutions for tectonic structures that we may miss; The tectonic components that need to be confirmed in the Eastern Mediterranean have been tried to be elucidated in this study. 3D building solutions are important in this respect.


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