Samsun has a great potential for health tourism with its geographic location, suitable climate, transportation advantages, accommodation infrastructure, qualified health personnel and hospitals with high technology utilities. However, information about their experiences and perceptions of health travellers coming to Samsun in the context of health tourism are incomplete or inadequate. The aim of the study is to analyse the current status and potential of health tourism in Samsun by taking the opinions of international patients. This analysis is carried out in order to provide theoretical, analytical and finally concrete support for the development of health tourism in Samsun. This research was carried out by scanning method. In the scope of this method, data were collected with open-ended questions from foreign patients who came to Samsun for treatment purposes. Since the data collected with these tools have qualitative content, it is made to be quantitative and analysed with descriptive analysis. According to this study, the most important factor for international patients to choose Samsun and the health institution is trust in Turkish doctors and health personnel. The Internet is the most important source of information for international patients about Samsun and hospitals in Samsun. The satisfaction rate from health institutions in Samsun is high, and this is one of the most reasons for the increase in the number of patients coming to Samsun.


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