Johan Padan and the Discovery of the Americas and the Problem of Other/Otherness In Fo

Dario Fo is one of the most interesting writers of Italian literature. His play, Johan Padan a la descoverta de le americhe (Johan Padan and The Discovery of the Americas) is welcomed with a grand interest in all Italy. This play criticizes the west-centered historic narration of the story, and mirrors also XVIth century European society and the history of Europe and of the European colonization of the Americas. This article firstly examines the work of Dario Fo, entitled “European colonization of the Americas” as a mirror of social history and of the problem of the other or otherness, considering the fact that literature repeats life. Fo’s work perfectly reflects the perception of the European culture, not only in XVI. Century, but also the understanding of the other, with its general aspects in the whole middle-ages, and during the colonization of the Americas. By studying this important work by Fo, we will observe the colonization of the Americas with the psychological effects on human beings and the concept of the other or otherness. The aim of this study is to examine the drama “Johan Padan” through the ideas presented by Todorov and Eco on the other and the otherness. Examining the reflections of the other by Fo in the light of the historical events about the European colonization of the Americas, presented in an ironic and funny approach in this play entitled “Johan Padan”. Therefore, it can be said that the story of Johan Padan created by Dario Fo is one of the most important examples of counter-history in Italian literature. Dario Fo’s narrative is very precious for us in order to better understand the other or otherness


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