Effect of Creative Drama Method on the Success in Basic Language Skills, Grammar and Vocabulary Teaching Fields in Turkish Lesson: Meta-Analysis Study

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the creative drama method on the success in basic language skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing), grammar, and vocabulary teaching fields in Turkish lessons by using the meta-analysis method. 37 Effect sizes within 24 different studies were reviewed. Publication type, class level, skill areas, practice time were used as moderator variables in this research. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 2 (CMA 2) was utilized to analyze the studies determined in the research. According to the results, the creative drama method creates positive (significant) impacts on basic language skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing), grammar, and vocabulary teaching fields (z=9.959; p=.000). As time increases in creative drama applications, the effect of application increases at the same time. However, it is also found that the effect of the creative drama method on students’ success does not significantly vary by publication type and class level. Moreover, the effect of creative drama on students’ success varies by skill areas while the highest effect size is in speaking skill and the lowest effect size is in vocabulary teaching.


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