Meslek Liselerinde Örgüt Kültürü

Bu çalışmanın amacı, meslek liselerindeki başat örgüt kültürünün belirlenmesi ve Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı merkez örgütünde yer alan farklı genel müdürlüklere bağlı meslek liselerinde örgütsel kültür boyutuna ilişkin farkın olup olmadığının araştırılmasıdır. Araştırmanın evrenini, Antalya il merkezindeki 11 mesleki ve teknik eğitim veren ortaöğretim kurumları oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma evreni, örneklem olarak alınmıştır. 44 yönetici ve 345 öğretmene anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada verilerin istatistiksel analizinde, yüzde, aritmetik ortalama, t-testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, meslek liselerinde başat örgüt kültürü boyutunun rol kültürü olduğu belirlenmiştir. Farklı genel müdürlüklere bağlı meslek liselerinde örgüt kültürünün farklılık gösterdiği belirlenmiştir.

Organizational Culture in Vocational High Schools

Purpose of the study is to find what the dominant organizational culture in vocational high schools is and to search if there is a difference in dimentions of culture among high schools which bound to different general directorate in Ministery of Education. The population of the study is 11 vocational high schools which are in the city of Antalya. Population was taken as the sample of the study. The questionaire which was used to collect the data was aplied to 44 managers and 345 teachers. Percentage, avarage, t-test, ANOVA were used to analize the data. At the end of the study, it was found that the dominant culture in vocational high school was role culture. It was found that vocational high schools which bound to different General Directorates have different dominant organisational cultures Summary Organization is defined as a group of working people who are structured and coordinated to reach one or more goals (Ellis and Dick, 2003; Thompson and Strickland, 2003). An organization can be determined as a structure that coordinates a group of people's activity by management process in hierarchy of authority and responsibility to reach common and clear objectives (Schein, 1978). Organizational culture can be defined as dominant values system for the organization (Boone and Kurtz, 1990). Organizational culture is the reflection of its recognition in the environment, its value, social standards and its relation styles and level with the other organizations and people (Atak, 2001). Researchers made different classifications on organizational culture. This study is based on Diana Pheysey's classification as role culture, power culture, success culture and support culture. Organizational culture of the schools that are the most effective part of the educational system, effects themselves, their human resources and also the society. School deals with human being who is the input and output of the school. So this is the most important aspect of school. Because of this, organizational culture is more important in schools than the other organizations. In Turkey secondary education is divided in two groups as general secondary education and vocational secondary education. The prior objective of the vocational high schools is to educate qualified human resources that the country needed. Vocational high schools are different from the general high schools in terms of their programmes, working places, teacher training system, relationship with the environment and the expectations from them. It can be said that these properties create an organizational culture which is different. Vocational high schools are depended on four different general directorates in Ministery of National Education. These are General Directorate of Technical Education for Girls, General Directorate of Technical Education for Boys, General Directorate of Religious Education, General Directorate of Trade and Tourism Education. The purpose of the study is to find what the dominant organizational culture in vocational high schools is and to search if there is a difference in dimensions of culture among high schools which bound to different general directorate in Ministery of National Education. For this goal the following questions are addressed. What is the dominant organizational culture in vocational high schools according to the perception of managers, assistant managers and teachers who work in vocational high schools? 1.Is there a significant difference between dominant organizational cultures of vocational high schools that depend on different general directorates in central organization of Ministery of National Education? 2.Is there a significant difference between perceptions of managers, assistant managers and teachers who work in vocational high schools according to the gender, duty, experience and the time that they worked in the same school? 3.Is there a significant difference between perceptions of teachers who teach vocational subjects and common subjects? Method The study is modelled as survey search. Managers and teachers, who are working in vocational high schools, were included. Participants and Sample: The sample of the study is 11 vocational high schools which are in the city of Antalya. Two of these schools are depended on General Directorate of Technical Education for Girls, two of these schools are depended on General Directorate of Technical Education for Boys, six of these schools are depended on General Directorate of Trade and Tourism and one of these schools is depended on General Directorate of Religious Education. 50 managers and 545 teachers are working in vocational high schools which are in the city of Antalya. The questionaire which was used to collect the data was applied to 44 managers and 345 teachers. After data collection, it was seen that % 88 of managers' questionnaire and % 72 of teachers' questionnaire had been answered. Data Collection Tools and Implementation: To find what the dominant organizational culture in vocational high schools, ın this study “Organizational Culture” sub-questionnaire was used which was developed by İpek (1999) for his study called “Organizational Culture And Teacher-Student Relations In State And Private High Schools”. After the data collection, the validity and reliabity were analysed once again. Percentage, avarage, t-test, ANOVA were used to analize the data. Significance level is taken as .05. Scheffe test is used to find source of difference. Findings The findings of the study showed that the dominant culture in vocational high school was role culture. In the vocational high schools which are depended on General Directorate of Technical Education for Girls role culture and power culture were dominant. In schools which are depended on General Directorate of Technical Education for Boys success culture and in schools which are depended on General Directorate of Religious Education support culture were dominant. Acccording to the job variable, perceptions of managers and teachers on dominant culture in their schools were different. Managers found their school organizational culture more supportive and successful more than teachers. It was also found that managers' and teachers' perceptions about support culture in their school show a significant difference according to the gender variable. There is no significant difference between the perceptions of managers and teachers regarding their school organizational culture according to their seniority. Also there is no significant difference between the perceptions of managers and teachers in terms of their school organizational culture according to their branch and time on service at the same school. Conclusion and Suggestions As a result, to get the vocational high schools to the expected level, it is necessary to locate success culture and support culture in these schools. On the other hand perceiving the role culture as the dominant organizational culture in vocational high schools in Turkey can be thought as a reflection of the centralist educational system structure. It can be told that appearing an organizational culture in vocational high school which can lead an transformation in terms of quality and quantity, it is necessary to search and examine the different points of view like site-based management. It can be suggested that all general directorates of vocational high schools should be organized under one general directorate to adopt the general educational system, to work in coordination and optional usage of fund. So it is possible to achieve more efficient and effective results on planning, coordination and usage of the fund.


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