İlköğretim Okulu Yöneticilerinin Performanslarını Değerlendirme Ölçütleri

Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilköğretim okulu yöneticilerinin performansının değerlendirilmesinde kullanılacak ölçütleri belirlemektir. Araştırma verileri, Sivas, Malatya, Gaziantep ve Elazığ illerinde 2003–2004 öğretim yılında görev yapan 111 ilköğretim müfettişi ve 356 okul müdüründen toplanmıştır. Yeni performans değerlendirme modeline göre, okul yöneticilerinin performans değerlendirmesi Sicil Raporu ve Yönetici Teftiş Formu ile ayrı ayrı yapılmamalı, bu ikisinin de yerini alacak Performans Değerlendirme Raporu ile yapılmalıdır. Performans değerlendirmesi, ilköğretim müfettişleri, milli eğitim müdürü, diğer yöneticiler, zümre öğretmenleri, okul gelişimi yönetim ekibi, öğrenciler, veliler ve yöneticinin kendisinin oluşturduğu veri kaynakları tarafından yapılmalıdır. Okul yöneticilerinin görev tanımlarında yer alan ölçütler performans değerlendirmede dikkate alınmalıdır.

Performance Assessment Criteria for Primary School Principals

The purpose of this study was to determine the criteria of the performance assessment of primary school principals. The study was carried out on the 111 primary education inspectors and on the 356 school managers who are on duty in 2003-2004 school years in Sivas, Gaziantep, Malatya, and Elazığ in Turkey. According to the findings of the study, the performance of the school managers shouldn't be assessed with the Register Report and the Manager Inspection Form. This assessment should be done with Performance Assessment Report which will take place the Register Report and the Manager Inspection Form. The school managers' performances should be done by multiple sources. The criteria which are in the duty definition of the school managers should be considered at manager performance assessment. Summary School principals play an important role in creating effective schools. Evaluating the performances of the staff, they need to take the necessary measures to obtain high efficiency. They determine the personnel to be awarded and punished. They fill in the register reports of the staff that are under their supervision. Upon request from their superiors, they report the activities of their schools and evaluate the suggestions that come from their faculty members and staff. They evaluate all activities of school related to their works. In fulfilling these duties, the chief assistant principal and other assistant principals are the other administrators who are of help to the principal. The degrees to which school administrators can fulfill their duties are specified during the process of performance evaluation. In this process, the question what extent the administrators contribute to the organizational goal is determined; and their works, activities, inadequacies, and adequacies are scrutinized. At the end of this process, the eligibility of the administrators for the school is measured and to what extent they could realize the school goals are determined. It can be said that the system that is applied to evaluate the performances of school administrators is objective because the criteria to assess the performances of the administrators could not be established yet. The aim of this research was to determine the criteria that must be taken into consideration during the evaluation of elementary school administrators. In this respect, the study strives to determine the sources of data that should be recourse to and the criteria that should be utilized to evaluate the performances of school administrators. The study included the elementary school inspectors and assistant inspectors; and principals, chief assistant principals and assistant principals who worked in elementary schools in Turkish provinces of Sivas, Malatya, Gaziantep and Elazığ during the 2003-2004 school year. All the elementary school inspectors who worked in these cities were included in the study. Questionnaire was used as a means of measurement. The results of the study indicated that it is necessary to have two separate evaluation processes to gauge the performances of elementary school administrators, and it is equally necessary to end the evaluation that is made by two forms and to reduce these two different processes to a single process through unifying them. The following entities must be involved during the process of evaluation of administrators' performances in Turkish elementary schools: (1) primary education inspectors (2) the head of National Education or a branch director appointed by him (3) other administrators (4) teachers that are heads of teacher groups (5) administrative team for school improvement (6) the board of students (7) the administrator self-evaluation and (8) families of students. During the performance evaluation process, it should be taken into consideration whether the duties that remain within the scope of duty definitions of elementary school administrators are carried out. In performance evaluation, what is measured is the officers' fulfillment of the tasks that they are assigned in advance and, at the end of this process, an evaluation is made. Contributors agree on the necessity that all the criteria that are required to be considered must involve in the performance evaluation of elementary school administrators.


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