Assessment of the Law of Local Education Authorities according to the Aspects of Leadership Behavior and the Extent of Their Practice

The purpose of this study is to determine the aspects of leadership behavior required by the Law of National Education Directorates and to reveal the extent of their practice within the boundaries of Sivas in individuals, and in Turkey in general. Data were collected through document analysis and interviews. To impart the aspects of leadership required by the LNED, each article in the law is classified by the researchers with regards to six aspects of leadership: visionary, instructional, organizational, collaborative, ethical and political leadership. To determine the extent to which the law is practiced, an interview form has been applied to 35 people, including 7 Assistant Directors of Local Education, 11 Primary Education Inspectors, 10 Principals in the center of Sivas province, and 7 Ministry inspectors who were in charge in Sivas when the study had been done. Furthermore, to determine the extent to which the aspects of leadership behavior identified by the law are practiced, two findings are synthesized; in this way the extent of practice of leadership behaviors that are specified as the areas of service in the law is disclosed. It is revealed that it is not appropriate for the authorities who practice the LNED to demonstrate the overall aspects of leadership, and it is also understood that the “organizational leadership” aspect is primarily required. It is also seen that in the practice of the law, the services of education, budget investment, research planning statistics and civil defense, are areas of service that are performed relatively less often. Furthermore, in Turkey in general all services mentioned in the law are hardly performed; therefore, indeed, even “organizational leadership” is not practiced enough. The LNED does not allow the education authorities of big cities and districts to be leaders.


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