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Ethical Failures in Suicide and Suicide Attempts News in Turkish Press

Objective: The textual and image content analysis seeks to prove that the Turkish national media do not report suicids in an accurate manner. Methods: For this research seven Turkish daily newspapers which are from different political perspectives (Radikal, Cumhuriyet, Milliyet, Sabah, Tercüman, Zaman and Yeni fiafak) are analyzed all through the year 2005 and also some samples from the Turkish local press are investigated. Results: In the news about suicide (attempts) in Turkish Press; the photo of the deceased is usually printed and the identity information is generally given and the details about method and/or place of a suicide which are unnecessary and may cause copysuicide and/or make relatives/friends of the deceased feel more pain are written. The language which is used by the journalists also romanticises or glorifies suicide; and in the news about suicide the reader almost never reads the perspective of a specialist. And the articles about suicide (attempts) never make reference to counselling services with contact details. Discussion: Turkish national media do not report suicids according to ethical codes; and this is a very important problem, because one of the many reasons which make people commit suicide may be media reports on suicide cases which is called "Werther effect" that designates imitation (or copycat) suicides.


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