An Evaluation in Terms of Native Woody Taxa with Threatened Status and Conservation Strategies in the Flora of Hatay Province

An Evaluation in Terms of Native Woody Taxa with Threatened Status and Conservation Strategies in the Flora of Hatay Province

Cities started to form the settlement of human beings. There is intense pressure on natural resources due to the increasing urbanization in recent years. The natural vegetation that forms in the area where it is located without any human-induced effects is in danger of extinction due to unconscious and overuse. In this context, with climate change emerging all over the world, environmental pollution threatens biodiversity at a national, regional, and urban scale. However, the genetic resources of countries are of international importance. Turkey flora of the location, topography, has a high level of biodiversity due to climatic differences, etc. natural factors. Likewise, the flora of Hatay province has a high level of floristic diversity, especially with the contribution of the Amanos Mountains; Many herbaceous and woody taxa are natural or endemic. Preservation of biodiversity is as important as its existence. In this context; Conservation strategies based on the conservation of the species or population in (in situ) and outside (ex-situ) of its location are accepted. With this study, the native woody species found in the flora of Hatay province were determined based on the "Flora of Turkey" work of Davis (1965-1986); The threatened status of these species has been determined by taking into account IUCN data. Accordingly, it was determined that 13 taxa belonging to 11 families in the flora of Hatay province have threatened status at NT (1), VU (1), LC (9), DD (2) levels. As a result, Hatay province has been accepted as a part of the urban green areas conservation strategies to protect these species. It has been demonstrated that if it is organized as areas with an important potential in the protection of biodiversity, it will contribute to the city scale.


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