Arap fütuhatı ile birlikte, Azerbaycan, uzun süren Arap hakimiyeti sürecine girdi. Yakın ve Orta Doğunun diğer ülkelerinde olduğu gibi, Azerbaycan’da da, din, dil, edebiyat, tarih alanlarında bir takım gelişmeler sağlandı. Yerel kaynaklarlar da ise, Arapların bölgeye gelmesiyle birlikte, ülkenin ilmi ve medeni hayatında, genel olarak uygulanan ‘’Araplaştırma’’ politikası sürecinde, dini- etnik ve kültürel yapının bozulduğu ve gelişmelerin durduğunu hatta bölgede meydana gelen savaşlar birlikte, sosyo-ekonomik anlamda bir takım gerilemelerin yaşandığı ifade edilmektedir. Oysaki, İslam dinin gelişiyle birlikte, fetih olunan bütün bölgelerde, İslam Medeniyeti yaygınlaşarak dünya tarihinin dönüm noktası olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, İslam Medeniyeti, Orta çağ medeniyet tarihinin temelini teşkil etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın nihai hedefi, genel olarak, dönemin temel dinamiklerini oluşturan başlıca olay ve olguları merkeze alan bir yaklaşım sergileyerek bunları, sebep-sonuç ilişkileri bağlamında açıklanmaktadır. Böylece, Araplar döneminde meydana gelen siyasi kültürel yaklaşımların arka planını aydınlatarak olayların gerçek analizini yapmaktır. Bu bağlamda, Arapların fütuhatı ile Azerbaycan’da meydana gelen siyasi gelişmelerin yanı sıra, sosyal ve kültürel hayatı hakkında yerel kaynaklarda geçen bilgileri ortaya çıkarmak ve bunu Türk İslam Medeniyet Tarihi açısından değerlendirerek okuyuculara sunmaktır.


Azerbaijan, which has an important place in Turkish-Islamic history, has always been at the center of attention since the beginning of the Middle Ages in political and cultural terms. The region, which is surrounded by Lands from the North to Derbent, Zanjan in the south, the Caspian Sea in the East and the Caucasus Mountains in the West, has been of great importance in political and cultural terms throughout the historical process due to its settlement on the historical Silk Road.Along with the Arab futuhat, Azerbaijan entered into a long process of Arab domination. As in other countries of the near and Middle East, Azerbaijan has achieved a number of achievements in the field of religion, language, literature, and history. Local sources also noted that with the arrival of the Arabs in the region, scientific and civil life of the country, in the process of conventional policy of ‘arabization’, ethno - religious and cultural structure is deteriorating, and growth stops even when the region wars in socio-economic terms, there is a series of failures. However, with the advent of the Islamic religion, in all the conquered regions, Islamic civilization becomes a widely recognized landmark in world history. However Islamic civilization is the basis of the history of medieval civilizationIslamic conguest began with the period of the "Arabs", in particular, VIII.- XI. In an era when centuries were considered a process of development of Islam, Islamic civilization experienced a "Golden age’ and a "scientific Renaissance of Muslims". Thus, it is also Known that in the General policy of conquest of Islam, in all geographical regions under the rule of the Caliphate, development is achieved in the political-economic or socio-cultural context. Indeed, historical data show that the geography of Azerbaijan, having become part of the Islamic civilization in the course of the historical process, has experienced a number of events and has made a significant contribution to the overall Islamic civilization.The ultimate goal of this study is to explain them in the context of cause-and-effect relationships, taking an approach that generally focuses on the main events and phenomena that make up the main dynamics of the period.  Thus, it should make a real analysis of events, highlighting the background of political cultural approaches that occurred in the Arab era.  In this regard, it is necessary to disclose the information transmitted in local sources about the social and cultural ayats, as well as about the political events taking place in Azerbaijan and futuh of the Arabs, and present it to readers, evaluating it from the point of view of the history of Turkish Islamic civilization.


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