Example of Science Lesson Digital Book Developed with Arloopa Augmented Reality Technology Application

ARLOOPA is an augmented reality and virtual reality app which provides advanced AR services that lets people impose digital content (images, sounds, text) over a real-world environment. ARLOOPA is an app for Augmented Reality (AR) experiences. Leading in augmented reality revolution with 3 main AR functions, marker based scanning, markerless tracking, geo-location based experiences. All content enabled in ARLOOPA Studio, ARLOOPA App is an intuitive platform designed to help easily experience augmented reality for education, promotion, entertainment or personal needs. It can be said that books with AR technology gained importance after Kindle. AR-enabled books are physical or digital copies of traditional books, both text and images. In the light of all this information, an example of a digital book developed with the ARLOOPA augmented reality technology application was presented in this study. Information such as the application content of Arloopa, its interface, in which areas it is used, creating digital book content in the application are also included in the article. It is foreseen that this article will provide support at different educational levels in creating digital content in education.


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