İslam Düşüncesinde Teolojik/Felsefi Roman Geleneği

In the tradition of Islamic thought, occasionally scholars have chosen to adopt a theological/philosophical fiction approach to their works. Scholars have adopted such an approach due to difficulties in expressing some concepts using a purely theological or philosophical style, and to simplify concepts for the reader to avoid misunderstandings. This essay will focus on theological and philosophical fiction and its main themes, in Islamic thought. Works in this field, whether theological or philosophical, aim to present the truths. The method of presenting these truths is merely a means. Whilst works in the Western utopia style do somewhat resemble theological/philosophical fiction in style, they differ significantly in themes and concepts. The theological and philosophical tradition, establishes its main themes and concepts through human potential. This can be perceived as the first signs of Islamic humanism.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



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