Ebu'-l-Hasan el-Eş'ari ve Kelamdaki Yöntemi ÜZerine (II)

Many scholars and thinkers in medieval times mostly rested their methodology on dialectical theology (jadal). Among those who opted for this methodology were Muslim theologians who had to some extend Aristotelian impact. Besides its rational buildup this methods has other characteristics. In this article, by far the most influential Muslim theologian Abu al-Hasan al-Ash?arî and his theological method will be handled in terms of attaining true knowledge and its value.   
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Many scholars and thinkers in medieval times mostly rested their methodology on dialectical theology (jadal). Among those who opted for this methodology were Muslim theologians who had to some extend Aristotelian impact. Besides its rational buildup this methods has other characteristics. In this article, by far the most influential Muslim theologian Abu al-Hasan alAsh’arî and his theological method will be handled in terms of attaining true knowledge and its value
