Journal of Ekonomi
Journal of Ekonomi
Cilt: 5 Sayı : 2
The empirical analysis of cereal production under the climate exchange and examining the effects of banks’ domestic credit on cereal production: Evidence from Turkey
Human resource accounting disclosure (HRAD) practices: Evidence from banking industry in Bangladesh
Analysis of Turkey's classic and financial kuznets curves in regards to the level of development and increased distribution
Political public relations and crisis communication of the government: The case study of the earthquake of 6 February 2023 in Türkiye
Bibliometric analysis and mapping with vosviewer in neet-head research in social sciences
Cilt: 4 - Sayı : 2
The role of real exchange rate in the trade balance between Turkey and Libya: Evidence from nonlinear and wavelet-based approaches
Lean manufacturing application in the frozen goods industry
Is the performance of the companies operating in the participation index in the Turkish economy affected by the macroeconomic perspective?
Sustainability as a communication policy created by the economic system
Realizing food security through the development of urban farming to support the family economy during the Covid-19 pandemic
Cilt: 4 - Sayı : 1
Is price discrimination beneficial for Iranian pistachio exporters? Evidence from Iran
Do indexes assess poverty? Is tourism truly pro-poor?
Empowering small businesses in a pandemic: Governance of cross-sector responses
Managing citizen engagement: Public-private partnership governance in selected metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies in Ghana
Tourism, money supply, and progressive inflation
Cilt: 3 - Sayı : 2
The impact of leadership on organizational performance in small and medium companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Perceived leadership styles and employee motivation: A research in Turkish hotel context
Understanding COVID-19 virus pandemic in terms of behavioral economics in terms of how people think and learn
Economic policy uncertainty and exchange rates before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
The effect of institutional quality on monetary policy in Iran’s economy: A DSGE approach
Cilt: 3 - Sayı : 1
Research on the levels of knowledge of youth in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
A research on the perceptions of cotton producers to form a producers’ union in Şanlıurfa - Turkey
Developments and practices in the social security system in England
The relationship between foreign exchange rate, interest rate and inflation in Turkey: ARDL approach
The role of leadership in creating an organizational culture
The role of the sports economy in the United Arab Emirates
The financial and conceptual foundations of intangible asset manager capitalism
Cilt: 2 - Sayı : 2
Pass-through effects of exchange rate on inflation: The case of Turkey
Key elements of corporate reputation
Assessing the short-term impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on foreign visitor’s demand for Turkey: A scenario analysis
Lean thinking in healthcare – review and current situation in Croatia
The benefits of using cloud technology in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Is Coronavirus the worst of the worst for the Human and Earth?
Türkiye Ekonomisi I
Türkiye’de işgücü piyasasında eğitim seviyesi genç işsizlik üzerindeki etkili mi? Ekonometrik analiz
Sağlık ve iş performası ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması: güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik analizi
Şanlıurfa’daki yem bitkileri eken çiftçilerin sosyo-ekonomik profilinin analizi
Getiri farkı resesyonu tahmin edebilir mi? Türkiye sanayi üretimi örneği
Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti'nin bölgesel kalkınmasının ekonomik değerlendirmesi ve devletin bölgesel politikasının ana yönleri
Türkiye’de kadın istihdamının önemi ve kadın istihdamının artırılmasına yönelik yapılan çalışmalar
Peren teoremi: İçinde yaşadığımız matematiksel çerçeve
112 Acil sağlık hizmetlerinin sunumunda faydalanılan taşeron sisteminin verimliliğe etkisinin değerlendirilmesi
Cilt: 2 - Sayı : 1
The impact of organizational culture on business enterprises in BiH
Climate Change and Touristic Winter Activities
Coordination management in new human resource management tendencies
Greenspan bubbles and the emergence of intangible asset manager capitalism of attention merchants
The study of effective factors in introduction of Ardabil markets as a tourism brand
Cilt: 1 - Sayı : 2
Cruise industry in Greece: Possibilities and prospects
Tourism and innovation: A literature review
Novacene: The emergence of low cost microchip enabled information-economy from inexpensive petroleum based mass-production economy
Cilt: 1 - Sayı : 1
Tourism and entrepreneurship: A literature review
Romanian rebound after the crisis and the re-launch of the banking credit
Accessible tourism in Greece: What is the current status?
Georg Simmel´s contribution towards A sociological theory of socialism
The conundrum of neoclassical economic theory and quantitative finance induced 2008 financial crisis and the great financial crisis enabled transition from cheap oil based mass-production economy to the emergence of cheap microchip enabled information economy [attention merchants’ surveillance capit
Implemented Kanban method at Mechrom Industry
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