2023 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4
Magnetic materials as an environmentally friendly cooling and heating systems: Tuning magnetocaloric properties in the magnetic nanotubes
Necda ÇAM, Ümit AKINCI
Simulation study of bio-inspired leaf flow field designs for direct methanol fuel cell
Mikail YAĞIZ, Selahattin ÇELİK, Ahmed Emin KILIÇ
Aerodynamic analysis of car rear spoiler with computational fluid dynamics for different angles and profiles
Muhammed Ali ÖZTEMEL, Fatih AKTAŞ, Nuri YÜCEL
Investigation of the three-phase heat pump drying system's impact on power quality of the electrical grid
Evaluation of facade features in green building certified office buildings in terms of energy efficiency
The impact of remote working on Türkiye’s energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions: Learning from the experiences of Covid-19 era
Mustafa KAYA, İzzet ARI
Investigation of propane combustion at different equivalent ratios in a premixed model burner
Murat TAŞTAN, Kağan Cenk MIZRAK
Application of HOMER in assessing and controlling renewable energy-based hybrid EV charging stations across major Turkish cities
Aykut Fatih GÜVEN, Emrecan YÜCEL
Energy and exergy analysis of the 1220 MW natural gas-fired Hamitabat combined cycle power plant
Göksel TOPAL, Tayfun TANBAY
Experimental investigation of bio-inspired flow field design for AEM and PEM water electrolyzer cells
Abdullah Emre AVCI, Mehmed Selim ÇÖGENLİ, Selahattin ÇELİK, Hasan ÖZCAN
The assessment of performance and emissions characteristics of a CI engine running on waste tyre pyrolysis oil as an alternative fuel and its blends with diesel fuel
Talha ERTÜRK, Ahmet ARSLAN, Erdal TUNÇER, Battal DOĞAN, Murat Kadir YEŞİLYURT
Photovoltaic properties of Cu(In,Ga)(Se,Te)2 thin film solar cells with different tellurium amounts and a copper-poor stoichiometry
The effects of E80D20 ethanol-diesel blend on combustion and exhaust emissions in SI engine
Esenay ARSLAN, Mehmet İlhan İLHAK
Comparative performance analysis of NACA 2414 and NACA 6409 airfoils for horizontal axis small wind turbine
Abdullah TOKUL, Unal KURT
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